Friday, February 10, 2012


I was about to write this post about how I have noticed that the British accent has become easier for me to understand and all that. But I just got back from class, and woa... that was heck of a listening experience for me. I do not think his accent was British though, maybe Welsh or Scottish. But it was heavy, and I tried to lipread him and it just did not make sense. Though this is where the implant came in handy! After a while I noticed that I could understand him if I just listened and it worked, which is really interesting!

I really have come a long way from nearly a year and a half ago, it is funny to think that's how long it has been, not a very long time persay, but so much has been accomplished in that time! I've gone from being extremely dependent on lipreading to now mildly dependent on it, but I can understand what is going on if I apply myself to listen.

Anyways I was thinking that the implant really has been very helpful in getting to do my dream of studying abroad in England. If I did not have them, I'm not sure if I would have had the guts to do it! But now it is one of my best decision ever! Anyways, just wanted to do a quick update, if you want to hear more about my travels in England, check out my tumblr:

Until next time-