Friday, May 21, 2010


well im not happy about this....
i just got the times for my surgery... i have to be at the hospital at 6 in the MORNING!! i don't think i've gotten up at like 4:30 am in very long time... i've stayed up until that time easy... but never gotten up that early. this will be very lovely... im going to be so tired that day... don't think about visiting me that day. i plan on just sleeping.

But i think my surgery is the first one of the day for her, so i guess that's a good thing. I hope so. But ya, my surgery is at 7:30 am, and i have to be there at 6 am, and i cannot eat or drink anythign at all since midnight the night before... i think im pigging out after the surgery... if you know me, you know that i like to eat every 4-5 hours. =P but i can't even drink water!? my mouth is going to be mad dry too. this will a very lovely day. note the sarcasm. <3

that's my update for today.
<3 annie.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I know it's been a while since I posted anything. Finally I'm updating. The last few months was just a time of waiting for the cochlear implant device to arrive at the hospital and i got quite impatient. By the end of April, i decided that i needed to contact the hospital for an update... they took about 2 weeks to get back to me with an update... it was via email and they said that we'll let you know as soon as we have an update on the device. I was really ticked because that didn't even give me an answer. But finally about a week ago, the assisstent to the surgeon emailed me and said, does june 22nd work for you?

so there we go, JUNE 22 is the set date for the surgery! now only issue... she didn't give me a time of when it is... so i'm waiting on that. she also scheduled a pre-op appointment on june 11th... but no time either. so this is kind of weird. but okay, at least i got a date now. so on that pre-op surgery i'll find out more about what is going to happen. i know its only a 2-3 hour long surgery and im out the same day too so it's nothing major.

But it's nice to have that date set in stone now, and i am starting to freak out a little bit because i just realized that they are drilling into my skull... and that this is something new... and i could possiblity hear better than i have ever heard before. i have no idea what to expect at all with this! yikes. but anyways, since the surgery is june 22nd, it's probably not until the end of july that i will be having the device turned on and experiencing sounds in my left ear.

ACK! i've got to go. I'll try to update some more in the next few days of what i'm feeling like right now... i think some time to process this in my head will help explain my feelings in words better so look for another post sometimes soon people.