Friday, May 21, 2010


well im not happy about this....
i just got the times for my surgery... i have to be at the hospital at 6 in the MORNING!! i don't think i've gotten up at like 4:30 am in very long time... i've stayed up until that time easy... but never gotten up that early. this will be very lovely... im going to be so tired that day... don't think about visiting me that day. i plan on just sleeping.

But i think my surgery is the first one of the day for her, so i guess that's a good thing. I hope so. But ya, my surgery is at 7:30 am, and i have to be there at 6 am, and i cannot eat or drink anythign at all since midnight the night before... i think im pigging out after the surgery... if you know me, you know that i like to eat every 4-5 hours. =P but i can't even drink water!? my mouth is going to be mad dry too. this will a very lovely day. note the sarcasm. <3

that's my update for today.
<3 annie.


  1. i had to do that not-eating thing sucked. and the getting up early thing. bleh. trick is to get up as close to when you have to leave the house as possible, so you're not just hanging around being hungry. and then after, you'll probably be nauseous from the anaesthesia, so i wouldn't count on pigging out! it took me...lets see, my surgery ended at like 1 i think, and i didnt really eat much until after 8pm and even then it was tough.

    you'll be okay! i did it and you can too :-)

  2. I'll be thinking of you that day Anna! I'm thrilled that it is actually scheduled. First case in the morning is good!

    All the best,
    Jane Liberman
