Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know I said that I wasn't going to update that often, but randomly I had my boyfriend say that he watched the video of me a lot and thought it was adorable, but I didn't remember what the video he was talking about so I went back into my older posts and watched it again.

He was talking about the video from my second post on this blog. And I was honestly shocked when I watched myself talk again, now this is pre-surgery... I am shocked at how different I sound... Like I talked differently... here's the video once again.

if it works. if not, just go way back in my blog for it. I want to make another video talking soon to show the difference. But don't have the time for that tonight.

It's hard to tell myself how much change has happened since the surgery, and I don't remember what I used to sound like or talk like but the video and other videos helped me remember... and it's a surprising thing to remember. It's as if I got a new accent since the surgery!

My parents have told me that I am speaking better and noticing how certain things are said in different areas, and also noticing accents more and how people accent on words. I wish that more people had the guts to tell me these things or even ask me questions about my hearing loss.

The other day, my boyfriend told me that his friend started asking him questions about my hearing loss and seemed too afraid to ask me directly to learn more about my hearing loss and everything related. It was kind of surprising, but it makes sense due to how people do not want to offend anybody or feel stupid for asking about a disability sometimes. I worked at a job all summer, and it was not until the very end of the summer that one of my coworker finally had the guts to ask me questions. I love getting questions from people that don't know because I rather have people be fully informed about my specific disability and hearing loss rather than base it off a generality. Every person in the world is unique, and that just shows that nobody should be stereotyping even though there can be similar situations, but it still doesn't mean that it's the same situation. Once again, my favorite saying "don't judge a book by its cover" can be used here, where you just don't know what to expect with each and every person and taking the time to get to know each person as who they are instead of being afraid by some intimidation factor and missing out on that knowledge. I guess my intimidation factor is my disability, where people could be intimidated by not knowing what or how to communicate with me or figure out just what I am, afterall I am deaf but I speak pretty damn good for one.

Anyways, I would love to know what people think, leave feedback or anything. I love questions, I love reflections, anything. It all helps me grow as a person to hear these things.

Until next time, who knows when that is, after all I was struck with inspiration!

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