Saturday, June 19, 2010

Continuing the countdown

So now it's 3 days...

The weird thing about all of this is that I am surprisely calm about all of this. I think i've had enough time to mentally prepare myself and not get nervous over all of this. This is my first surgery in a hospital, and I hate hospitals usually... and somehow I am not thinking about how bad it is going to be, and just focusing on the positive sides to this surgery.

There is only one con to the entire thing, and that's the recovery period being a month... only listening out of my left ear for a month. It kind of restricts me from driving so much and missing a lot of conversations. Also I cannot exercise for 2 weeks... so not looking forward to that! I love to keep in shape and do a workout everyday... I forsee myself becoming a couch potato during the month of recovery.

Most of my friends are going to visit me and watch movies during my lazy week, which will start right after the surgery date.

Thank you to everyone who keeps telling me that they are nervous and will keep good wishes in mind for me during the surgery. It is a peace of mind to have other people do the worrying instead of myself... I just need to remain calm and get through this without any issues. If i start to freak out, it would make things seem worse for myself and I know myself and need this to go smoothly.

I am quite tired, so I should get my rest.
Good night

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