Thursday, June 24, 2010


This recovery period has way too many ups and downs. It's been almost 3 days since the surgery and I have now developed a love-hate relationship with my medicines. I'm currently taking antibonics and pain killers for it... the antibonics, i have to take 4 times a day... it's a bit much and it makes me feel sick most of the time. I am hating it already. But then the painkillers make it better... by making me feel like I am a drunk. I have been talking weird, and saying i love you to everyone who is in this house with me. And i cannot even walk straight... but that's due to my dizziness and unbalanced ears which was expected.

Some side effects to the surgery are unbalanced, metallic taste on my tongue, headache, thumping/popping in my ear... It kind of feels like a really bad hangover doesn't it? But the metallic taste in my mouth makes water taste more interesting so I'm enjoying my water, but it ruins food for me. I don't understand why I even have this as a side effect to the surgery, it has to be by far the weirdest side effect i've heard of. Oh well... hopefully it goes away quickly.

The recovery process is going... slowly... my mornings usually start off bad because I wake up and the painkillers usually have worn off by then and my head is just a throbbing mess and makes me not want to deal with anything. It takes me a good 4 hours to get up and make myself take more meds and eat something and then I feel alright. I guess I could say I am quite stubborn after all i think the meds are making me feel sick sometimes but it's supposed to help heal me in the long run so I hope it does.

But anyways, I removed the bandage yesterday morning and it was not what I was expecting. I was expecting a bloody mess or something from the stitches, but nope. They were the most beautifully done stitches I have ever seen, clean and precise. They cut right behind my ear where the ear meets the head, so where the scar will be, it won't even be that visible at all especially when I have my implant on my ear, it'll just cover up the spot. The stitches are dissolvable, so no worries there. It felt really good to not have a huge bandage on my head anymore as I slept, but i'm more nervous about hurting my ear or moving my neck/head in a way that it bothers the stitches. So far, no major misshaps with my ear... just a lot of pain once in a while... like the inner canal of my ear hurts a lot... i don't know why. probably from having a wire thingy put into my actual cochlear.

Woa... now i'm back to feeling loopy, my painmeds like to make me loopy and I just took it a little while ago so this means I should go sleep or something. Hoping for a better day tomorrow...


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